Monday, March 15, 2010

Personal Shopping Situational Awareness

I've joked about this before. Its the whole concept of paying attention to the sales and random items that you find while shopping. As a Prepper or even as a concerned consumer saving money is a big deal. We all cut corners and save where we can. Here on this site I am a firm advocate of spending your money locally in thrift stores, Goodwill, the Salvation Army store, Catholic Charities, consignment stores and the like. Not just junk and clutter. These places have a LOT of clothing, in all sizes. My wife buys sweaters by the bagful to use for her many projects. She pulls apart wool, silk, and cashmere sweaters to "make Yarn". Its economics. A ball of cashmere yarn is about $30 bucks, a "used" cashmere sweater is $3 bucks. Get it?
Every so often we make the rounds and hit the stores. This past weekend we went to the antique malls. Most towns have one of these. Think large "consignment style" store with some of the stuff being old. Not everything in these is an antique. Some is just overpriced junk. But it can be fun the hut out the bargains. Like this little gem that we found.
I have been looking for something like it for a while. It is a manual meat slicer. No electricity needed. Its in really nice shape. This was a steal at $5.00.  With warm weather approaching yard sales will abound. Keep those eyes open, because you just never know whats out there to be found.

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